Gráfica Mexicana

- Catalog of Works from the Taller de Gráfica Popular -
Catálogo de obras del Taller de Gráfica Popular

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Filter: By Artist, Manuel Hernández Acevedo
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Records Returned: 3 works
Years: 1953,
Formats: Unspecified,
Media: Serigrafía,
Hernández Acevedo, Manuel. s/f
"Casas y vias (Casas de Mangle)", 1953.
67.8(h) x 47(w) cms.
Catalog #: 4743
Source Info: TGP Archive 1443
Hernández Acevedo, Manuel. s/f
"Esquina en la playa", 1953.
31(h) x 24.8(w) cms.
Catalog #: 4741
Source Info: TGP Archive 1441
Hernández Acevedo, Manuel. s/f
"Caserio (El fanguito)", s/f.
22.5(h) x 27.5(w) cms.
Catalog #: 4742
Source Info: TGP Archive 1442

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